All orders are automatically processed by our secure merchant processor and sent for fabrication and shipment as soon as they are placed. During this process we incur irreversible fees, charged by our payment processor, and these are not refunded when we cancel a transaction. Therefore, while we understand that orders might need to be changed sometimes, we are unable to do it free of charge any longer.
The majority of our products are custom madem to order. When you place an order for a custom product, we have to cut raw material to size and fabricate the part you ordered. This takes time to both schedule your part into the production queue as well as time to actually make your part. We're not just pulling a pre-made part off the shelf and dropping it into a box and slapping a shipping label on it. So be sure you want the part you're ordering.
Contact us if you have questions:
Visitor # 2978 since 17.SEP.2020
[Last updated: 14.April.2022]