My GeoCaching Stats

I've been GeoCaching since 2003, shortly after I acquired my Garmin StreetPilot-III GPS for my vehicle. I used that to find GeoCaches on 4WD trips in the western US. As my business grew, I had less time to do these sorts of trips and that's the long blank stretch you'll see in the timeline below. Then I figured out how to GeoCache by bicycle and I started using my Garmin Edge-800 bike GPS for that. Later, I finally went to a smart phone and started using that and the GeoCaching app. I still mainly find GeoCaches on bike rides and hope to get back into doing this in my 1985 Toyota 4Runner. I'm installing a Raspberry Pi based AndroidAuto display and hooking that up to the phone and hopefully that'll make a nice off-road GeoCaching setup.


























































































































































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Visitor # 591 since 28.SEP.2024

[Last updated: 28.September.2024 ]