Rancho Shock Guide

Rancho Shock Selection Guide

This data came from the Rancho Shock Selection guide on ORC. I found and corrected a few typos in that data, grouped it by similar mount styles and finally sorted that by travel. Within a given shock style, you can search for the desired amount of travel then cross reference that with the various model numbers. Alternately, use your browser's "Find in Page" feature to find the line for a given shock model. I have also embedded tags for each shock model number, so you can jump directly to a given model by just typing in the URL for each model, e.g.for RS9012 enter: #RS9012.

This information is circa 2000, so you may find some older shock models NLA and some new ones not listed. Some newer models just have different leading digits, e.g. RS9012 is the original adjustable shock while RS99012 is the newer gas pressure adjustable model, otherwise very similar dimensions.

While there are no doubt better shock absorbers than Rancho, I find the Rancho shocks are decent. I applaud them for publishing the detailed dimensions so that the ideal size shock can be selected. If you go into a shop, to order shocks for a non-stock vehicle, and they ask the basic year/make/model information, you may want to leave and come back with the exact part numbers you want. T've purchased shocks like this for many decades and it's worked well. Just be sure to measure twice before selecting a particular model shock and check other similar part numbers to make sure you're selecting the shock with the best fit.

Shock Mount styles:
EB1 : Loop - 5/8" inside dia.
EB2 : Loop - 3/4" inside dia.
EB4 : Loop - 11/16" inside dia.
ES25 : Loop - Similar to EB1 but also has a removable metal bushing
ES113 : Loop - 16mm inside dia.
S1 : Pin type mount
Note: It is fairly easy to swap bushings in Rancho shocks. You can buy bushings separately and then press out the old bushing and replace it with a different size or composition bushing.
Also, I've modified bushings to suit my needs, opening up a 5/8" EB1 to a 3/4" hole with my die grinder
Hint: Drilling won't work, the polyurethane just stretches around the drill bit, unless you put the bushing in a deep freeze or dry ice for a few hours, then chuck the bushing up in a lathe, spin it up and run a drill bit through quickly before the poly warms up.
Here's some 3D printable Rancho shock bushing files I created. I made he EB1/L1 bushings in varying IDs from 1/2" un to 3/4", best printed in a flexible filament like TPU
Color Coding:
Red - Stock Length for 1st generation 4Runner ('84-''85 front, '84-'89 rear)
Rancho shocks come with red accordian-style boots to cover the extended rod. While many people install the boots because the look cool or perhaps because they think the boot will protect the polished and chrome plated rod from damage, in fact the reverse is often the case. The boot can trap moisture inside it which can lead to the rod rusting which in turn destroys the seals inside the shock body itself, leading to failure. I've never seen an exposed shock rod get pitted or scratched from gravel and mud, but every booted shock I've seen has heavy layers of rust on the normal unused part of the rod. However, hit that one big bump and jam the rusty rod into the shock can and that may be the end of the shock.
Can up or can down? The RS5xxx shocks are apparently supposed to be mounted can-down in order for internal valves to function properly. The RS9xxx shocks are recommended to be mounted can-down, but will work can-up, too. Can-up mounting has a number of advantages:
Less unsprung weight, as the can/valves/oil reservoir is attached to the frame and not the axle
Less chance of can damage, as it is up and away from trail hazards
Remote control air hose routing is easier as the attachment point does not need to move
When I ran RS5xxx, I ran the can-down and had no problems. With the RS9xxx, I had one shock fail after a few days of use in a can-up position. I think this was a mfg. defect as the other shock was fine. I've since been running my rear RS9xxx shocks can-up with the remote control setup and they work just fine. My fronts are mounted can-down because of design constraints of my long travel shock setup.

Model Extended Collapsed UpperMount LowerMount Travel
RS9120 14.38 9.70 EB1 EB1 4.68
RS5120 14.57 9.70 EB1 EB1 4.87
RS5171 14.57 9.70 EB1 EB1 4.87
RS5141 15.17 10.05 EB1 EB1 5.12
RS9006/X 18.31 11.66 EB1 EB1 6.65
RS9119 18.39 11.68 EB1 EB1 6.71
RS9123 18.39 11.68 EB1 EB1 6.71
RS9155 18.39 11.68 EB1 EB1 6.71
RS5119 18.57 11.70 EB1 EB1 6.87
RS5123 18.57 11.70 EB1 EB1 6.87
RS5155 18.57 11.70 EB1 EB1 6.87
RS5006 18.61 11.73 EB1 EB1 6.88
RS5148 18.67 11.73 EB1 EB1 6.94
RS9113 20.65 12.82 EB1 EB1 7.83
RS5601 20.22 12.38 EB1 EB1 7.84
RS5113 20.79 12.82 EB1 EB1 7.97
RS5140 20.79 12.82 EB1 EB1 7.97
RS5175 20.79 12.82 EB1 EB1 7.97
RS9205 22.75 14.18 EB1 EB1 8.57
RS5205 22.83 14.17 EB1 EB1 8.66
RS9008/X 22.36 13.68 EB1 EB1 8.68
RS9125 22.83 13.97 EB1 EB1 8.86
RS5118 22.82 13.96 EB1 EB1 8.86
RS5170 22.82 13.96 EB1 EB1 8.86
RS9118 22.80 13.94 EB1 EB1 8.86
RS5008 22.58 13.71 EB1 EB1 8.87
RS5125 22.82 13.95 EB1 EB1 8.87
RS5172 22.82 13.95 EB1 EB1 8.87
RS5165 22.87 13.85 EB1 EB1 9.02
RS9165 22.87 13.85 EB1 EB1 9.02
RS9246 23.38 14.25 EB1 EB1 9.13
RS9194 23.52 14.26 EB1 EB1 9.26
RS5194 23.74 14.27 EB1 EB1 9.47
RS9116 24.40 14.79 EB1 EB1 9.61
RS5116 24.57 14.79 EB1 EB1 9.78
RS5007 24.84 14.82 EB1 EB1 10.02
RS9112 26.65 15.94 EB1 EB1 10.71
RS5112 26.80 15.96 EB1 EB1 10.84
RS9126 26.82 15.97 EB1 EB1 10.85
RS9010/X 26.69 15.84 EB1 EB1 10.85
RS5126 26.82 15.95 EB1 EB1 10.87
RS5010 26.82 15.81 EB1 EB1 11.01
RS9012/X 32.91 18.94 EB1 EB1 13.97
RS5012 33.10 18.94 EB1 EB1 14.16
Model Extended Collapsed UpperMount LowerMount Travel
RS5163 16.23 10.66 EB2 EB2 5.57
RS5164 18.73 11.91 EB2 EB2 6.82
RS5184 20.87 12.98 EB2 EB2 7.89
RS9180/X 21.76 13.53 EB2 EB2 8.23
RS5180 21.98 13.53 EB2 EB2 8.45
RS9144/X 22.55 14.00 EB2 EB2 8.55
RS5144 22.89 14.02 EB2 EB2 8.87
RS5202 24.21 15.16 EB2 EB2 9.05
RS5248 24.63 15.12 EB2 EB2 9.51
RS9248/X 24.63 15.12 EB2 EB2 9.51
RS5198 25.23 15.21 EB2 EB2 10.02
RS9143/X 25.67 15.47 EB2 EB2 10.20
RS9198/X 25.67 15.47 EB2 EB2 10.20
RS5143 25.79 15.47 EB2 EB2 10.32
Model Extended Collapsed UpperMount LowerMount Travel
RS9152 17.75 13.38 EB4? EB4? 4.38
RS9124/X 23.88 14.88 EB4? EB4? 9.00
RS9114/X 24.92 15.10 EB4 EB4 9.82
Model Extended Collapsed UpperMount LowerMount Travel
RS9188/X 12.24 8.40 S1 EB1 3.84
RS5188 12.49 8.40 S1 EB1 4.09
RS5019 14.79 9.67 S1 EB1 5.12
RS5153 14.79 9.67 S1 EB1 5.12
RS9019 14.80 9.67 S1 EB1 5.13
RS5167 15.79 10.16 S1 EB1 5.63
RS9136/X 17.65 11.10 S1 EB1 6.55
RS5136 17.90 11.10 S1 EB1 6.80
RS5176 17.90 11.10 S1 EB1 6.80
RS5117 19.29 11.92 S1 EB1 7.37
RS5139 19.29 11.92 S1 EB1 7.37
RS9117/X 19.30 11.92 S1 EB1 7.38
RS9115/X 21.24 12.92 S1 EB1 8.32
RS9138/X 21.20 12.88 S1 EB1 8.32
RS5115 21.29 12.92 S1 EB1 8.37
RS5138 21.29 12.92 S1 EB1 8.37
RS5179 22.82 13.94 S1 EB1 8.88
RS9179/X 22.95 13.95 S1 EB1 9.00
RS9017/X 25.25 15.15 S1 EB1 10.10
RS5137 25.79 15.17 S1 EB1 10.62
Model Extended Collapsed UpperMount LowerMount Travel
RS5183 17.32 10.89 S1 EB2 6.43
RS9187/X 21.17 12.94 S1 EB2 8.23
RS9158/X 21.35 13.03 S1 EB2 8.32
RS5187 21.31 12.92 S1 EB2 8.39
RS5158 21.48 12.98 S1 EB2 8.50
RS5206 22.24 13.58 S1 EB2 8.66
Model Extended Collapsed UpperMount LowerMount Travel
RS9145/X 13.99 9.31 S1 ES113 4.68
RS5145 13.97 9.26 S1 ES113 4.71
Model Extended Collapsed UpperMount LowerMount Travel
RS9009/X 26.78 15.67 S1 ES25 11.11
RS5009 26.80 15.67 S1 ES25 11.13

Visitor # 64136 since 10.MAY.2005

[Last updated: 11.May.2024 ]