Here's various items of interest to viewers of the4Crawler channel on YouTube:
Grommets are 7/16" (11mm) OD x 1/4" (6mm) ID x 1/8" (3mm) thick and should fit many dual and ball foot style tire chucks. You can check if your chuck is suitable by unscreing the end and removing the old grommet and checking the approximate dimensions. On the single sided ball foot chucks, you can often flip the grommet over to expose the more intact inner face to the tire valve stem. If too far gone, we have a limited supply of replacement grommets.
Cost (while supplies last): US$1.00/grommet
US shipping: US$1.95 1st class w/o tracking, US$4.95 1st class w/ tracking or US$8.95 Priority
International: US$19.95 first class or $41.95 Priority
Ordering options:
On-line payment options:
Now available, replacement O-rings for the Breville/Sage Barista Express espresso machines. These O-rings are made of high purity silicone material and are rated for use from -60° - 400°F (-50° - 200°C) and are sized to fit over the 4mm diameter Teflon tubing and the solenoid valve output fittings as shown below:
There are two o-rings per section of Teflon tubing and then one for each solenoid end that has a clipped end fitting. Breville/Sage uses these O-rings in many of their espresso machines in the 800 series, such as the 870XL, 860XL as well as the 900 series 900XL machines. These O-rings are the same as Breville p/n: SP0001565 and SP0001672. Some machines have two different sized O-rings, these O-rings are for the smaller of the two. The larger O-rings are typically used for sealing sensors into the boiler tanks, the smaller O-rings are for the 4mm tube connections. Some machines also use a pair of thinner, small O-rings on some connections. You can replace those 2 thinner o-rings with one of these thicker O-rings:
Two options below for ordering the replacement O-rings.
Option 1: See options above
Option 2:
If you are unable to use the Send Money to family and friends" option, the regular price is US$2.00/o-ring plus $4.95 for US or $19.95 for international shipping. Use the same Paypal address as above but select "Pay for Goods and Services" instead. This method will give you the Paypal buyer protection as well as as a tracking number for shipping.
Change the quantity of O-rings desired in either order form below:
We'll send you confirmation of shipping when they are ready.
As featured on Thingiverse:
How to order BH18650-PCx Battery Holder Clips to clip one 2-, 3-, or 4-cell holder to another one.
We have two ordering options for the clips printed in ABS plastic listed below, or you can order the clips printed in PLA plastic from the Thingiverse site .
Option 1:
This option is a special discounted on-line price, or you can send us an order via mail, check or money order (USD) payable to:
Discounted price: US$0.29/ea. for the exact ordering process below:
If you are unable to use the Send Money to family and friends" option, the regular price is US$0.50/clip plus $3.00 for US or $6.00 for international shipping. Use the same Paypal address as above but select "Pay for Goods and Services" instead.
Copy and paste the part number into the Description line (p/n: BH-18650-PCx_Holder_Clips) and change the quantity desired in either order form below:
It may take us a day or two to schedule printing the clips on our 3D printer, we'll send you confirmation of shipping when they are ready.
We now have available replacement flat flex cables for these two items. The X cable runs from the stepper motor PCB out to the print head PCB, approx. 500mm long. The Y cable frons from the breakout board on the bottom of the printer to the stepper motor PCB on top, approx. 1200mm long.
We now have a 3D printed cold shoe to adapt to many video cameras that lack a built in cold shoe. A cold shoe allows self powered accessories to be mounted to the camera, for example a microphone or video light.
We are now able to offer pre-printed 20P cell holders and the various other components for sale.
Visitor # 13811 since 24.NOV.2016
[Last updated: 20.July.2024]