VW Watercooled Diesel Gas Repair Shops


VW Watercooled
Diesel & Gas
Repair Shops

Visitor # 20525 since 22.APR.2003



As a service to VW watercooled vehicle owners, below is a listing of shops that have been recommended by readers of this page that do good work on VW watercooled engines. If you have a shop you would like to submit, e-mail me the relavent information and I'll add it to the page. Please feel free to contact the submitter of the information for further details. Also, feel free to print this page out if you are heading out on a long road trip, would be handy to have in case of mechanical breakdown.



  1. Little Village Automotive
    White Oaks Road
    Campbell, CA.
    (408) 371-5322
    Submitted by: Roger Brown (note: Randy, the original owner, has recently retired, current shop status unknown)
  2. Bertini's German Motors of Roseville
    600 Vernon St.
    Roseville, CA 95678
    Submitted by: Lewis Grimes


  1. JEFF's Volkswagen Repair, Inc.
    10463 N. Kitchen Road
    Mooresville, IN 46158
    ph: 317-834-6424 fx: 317-834-6426
    jeffsvwrepair@aol.com (not sure if this is current or not)
    Submitted by: Bill Ellison


  1. [Your entry here]


  1. Trafton's Foreign Automotive
    15570 S.E. Startk St.
    Portland, OR 97230
    Submitted by: Greg Sander
  2. Don's Repair
    91810 Coburg Rd.
    North Coburg, OR 97408
    (541) 484-1538
    Submitted by Alan Whipple


  1. Tim's German Auto
    2632 White Settlement
    Fort Worth, TX 76107
    (817) 731-9494
    Submitted by: childres@juno.com


  1. VW Performance
    Olympia, WA
    (360) 412-3147
  2. Submitted by: Dave Ewing
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[Last updated: 26.March.2021]
