4Crawler Offroad Products - High Clearance Kit for Toyota 8" Axles

4Crawler Offroad Products

a division of Visual Diagnostics LLC

High Clearance Axle Kit

After 25 years in operation, it's time to close up shop and move on to other adventures. Thanks to all the loyal customers over the years that helped to make this all possible. The web site will remain live.



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The Toyota 8" axle makes use of a dropout differential, or third member). Because of this, a drain plug is installing on the bottom of the axle housing to allow for draining the gear oil. Other types of axles feature a cover plate that serves this same purpose. One problem with the low hanging drain plug is that it is prone to getting hung up on rocks, and it can also become damaged to the point where removal is difficult, or worse yet can get knocked loose causing the loss of the gear oil in the axle. Several improvements on the drain plug have included low profile socket plugs, to welded in place plugs with alternate method of oil draining.

A second problem with the axle housing is that while the steel in the main part of the housing is approx. 3/16" thick, the steel in the face of the housing is perhaps 1/16" thick. It is susceptable to damage from contact with rocks and if pushed in far enough, it can contact the ring gear, either damaging the gear or letting the gear cut through the steel and create an oil leak. There are several forms of "diff armor" on the market to address this issue.

Over the years, I've tried a number of these techniques to beef up the axle to withstand trail abuse. Each problem could be addressed individually to some degree, but I wanted something cleaner and that would address all the issues at once. Below, is a rear Toyota axle housing showing the bottom section, containing the drain plug, cut out and replaced with a flat bottom plate that also wraps around the front (or rear) of the housing:

Clearanced and armored rear axle

I developed an easy to install kit, pictured below, that incorporates a flat replacement for the bottom of the axle housing and a curved protector for the face of the housing, all out of 1/4" thick steel:

Diff Armor kit

Contact us with any questions about the kit...

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Ordering Information:

SOLD-OUT: At this time, 4Crawler Offroad is not able to offer axle plates for sale.

Kits available for the front or rear axle, for US$50.00 for either kit or a front+rear kit for $95.00, plus shipping via USPS Flat Rate envelope.




Order a front or rear axle plate kit:
Order a front + rear axle plate kit:
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Order a front or rear axle plate kit:
Order a front and rear axle plate kit:
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #




Order a front or rear axle plate kit:
Order a front and rear axle plate kit:

Already have a "diff protector"? No problem, a version of the plate that only covers the center section of the axle housing is also available for US$45.00:







SOLD-OUT - US Delivery SOLD-OUT - Can/Mex Delivery SOLD-OUT - Int'l Delivery

Allow 1-2 weeks for fabrication of this kit plus shipping time, 2-3 days typical for domestic and 6-10 days typical for international orders.

After 25 years in operation, it's time to close up shop and move on to other adventures. Thanks to all the loyal customers over the years that helped to make this all possible. The web site will remain live.

Questions? Contact 4Crawler Offroad for more information.


Installation Process:

Plate and housing Cut lines marked Housing cut out to match template
A: Axle housing prepped B: Mark for cuts C: Cut out bottom of housing
Opening ground to accept plate Plate tacked and bent prior to welding Plate weleded in place, small triangles fill corners on the ends
D: Grind opening to fit plate E: Tack weld, bend tabs F: Finish welding and grinding

The end result of a couple of hours work is an axle that has 3/4" - 1" additional ground clearance (equivalent to a ~2" tire size increase), a smooth base to easily slide over trail obstacles, an integral diff protector and no drain plug to get damaged or lost.

Here's a writeup from my first high clearance axle conversion:
Here's Tim Stucky's excellent writeup on 4x4Wire:
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Send email to me.

[Last updated: 29.December.2024 ]

Visitor # 65297 since 28.AUG.2001