4Crawler's 4x4 Information Page

Yet Another 4x4 Page

"4x4" in upper case is "$X$"
Life is good no matter what, after your lowest low is your Marlin Crawler!.


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General 4x4 Information:

Here you'll find information on topics related to 4x4 vehicles, such as:


4-Wheeling Intro:

If you are just getting started in 4-wheeling, or have been away from the activity for a while and are a bit rusty on the do's and don'ts, here's some basic information to get you on ('er I mean off) the road in a safe and responsible manner and get you and your vehicle back in one piece:

Most important is to start with safety:
Five Safety Tips When Taking Your Vehicle Off-Highway
5 More Safety Tips When Taking your Vehicle Off-Highway
Now that you understand some important safety issues, time to dig into some driving technique:
The Nuances of Off-Highway Driving
True Life Bonehead Experiences, Part 1
True Life Bonehead Experiences, Part 2
So, feeling pretty confident and ready to lock 'em up and get dirty? How about a quick test...
A 4-Wheeling Test (looks like the answer link is broken, but I'm sure you got all of the right)
Now that's you've passed the test, you are ready to go, but what happens if you get stuck?
Aftermarket Accessories for your 4WD Vehicle, or Always Be Prepared to Get Unstuck!
Aftermarket Accessories for Your 4WD Vehicle Always Be Prepared to Get Unstuck Part Two: The Winch
Want more information, search the Internet:
4-Wheeling "How-To"
Here's a glossary of 4-Wheeling terms
Off-Road.Com has a good collection of information
As does 4x4Wire.Com
I find Google.com is a very good search engine
If you prefer some hardcopy information, or prefer a book format that you can take on the trail with you, here's a few good books on the subject:
4-Wheel Freedom - The Art of Off-Road Driving, by Brad DeLong
The Byways Guide Series, by Tony Huegel have good route descriptions for the beginning wheeler
The Backcountry Adventures series by Massey and Wilson are also good
4x4Books.comChoose from the above and hundreds of other popular 4X4 Handbooks, Videos, Trail Guides, Maps, Mapping Software, GPS, Bumper Stickers, Decals and More. All in stock ready for same day shipping via Priority mail at discount prices. Visit Now!
So time to find a buddy to get out and go wheeling with.
Join a 4WD club, most states have 4WD associations with member clubs.
If you can't find one, try the United 4 Wheel Drive Association (UFWDA) and they'll probably know of a club in your area.
Most associations sponsor various 4-wheeling events and some hold safety clinics where you can get hands on experience.


Snow Driving:

4 wheeling doesn't have to stop when the snow starts falling, it just changes. The 97-98 winter was my first real opportunity to drive my 4Runner in real snow (unlike that plowed/sanded stuff that coats major highways :-). Here's some hints I found useful when driving the unplowed white stuff:

Some recommended reading:


Toyota and 4Runner Links:

Here are some excellent net resources for the Toyota 4Runner:


General 4x4 links:


Synthetic Gear Oil Information:


Vendor links for 4Runner/Toyota/4x4 parts:

Here are some other vendors of 4x4 parts and accessories. Note I am not recommending these vendors, you are of course free to choose to do or not do business with any or none of them.


Caveat Emptor:

Below are some vendors who I have used but others have had trouble with. Note I am not recommending these vendors, merely listing them with some explanations of issues folks have had with them. You are of course free to choose to do or not do business with any or none of them. I feel its better to list them with some supporting information to educated folks instead of not list them and have someone not know one way or the other.

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[Last updated: 23.September.2024 ]

Visitor # 178367 since 10.OCT.2001